Welcome to the association of the county Saxony
the meaning of the KiEZ:
- all the year opened, wide arranged leisure- and holiday parks,
- situated in the nature (suited for groups)
- various leisure-, sport- and amusement possibilities
- including food and beverages
- in short: KiEZ is a kids - and youth holiday park, which exists 6x in Saxony
KiEZ is maid for groups like:
- holiday-travel
- international youth meeting
- school- and class journeys including school holidays in the country
- trainings- and rehearse camps
- family- and club holidays
- seminars and educational trainings
the wide and spaciousness parks offer enough
- room for big groups
- schools or societies
- smaller groups could either be integrated in already existing activities or just arrange their program by themselves
The high safety standard and the high quality of accommodation, supply and programs make their guests feel comfortable. Various possibilities of leisure time arrangements will make your stay complete.
We are pleased to help you with following things:
- planning and organization of your stay
- use of all leisure activities in the youth park KiEZ as well as in the nearer surrounding
- the hosting of your groups (educational stuff is available)
- we also offer complete package programs as well as individual special formed programs
If you need further information do not hesitate to contact us:
Landesverband Kinder- und Jugenderholungszentren Sachsen e.V.
Am Filzteich 4 a
08289 Schneeberg
fon: 0049 - 3772 - 2 29 33
fax: 0049 - 3772 - 25 06
e-mail: info(at)kiez.com